Thrombosis Australia

Thrombosis Australia is a central information and resource hub for the community proudly brought to you by the Perth Blood Institute



Our Thrombosis Australia Advisory Panel consists of eminent Australian healthcare professionals.

Thrombosis Australia Advisory Panel

If you are a healthcare professional you can access the Thrombosis Australia Professionals site here:

Thrombosis Australia Professionals


When Ben was only 40 years of age, he suffered from his first blood clot. He was aware that his mother has had trouble with blood clots in her legs, but he never thought that he might also be at risk.

“I’m grateful that my daughter can be tested now for the risk of deep-vein thrombosis and that any issues can be identified for her before she experiences any major damage.” Ben

Ben went to visit his GP and was prescribed medication for muscle pain. Then approximately one month later, his right leg started to swell, and he was having a lot of difficulty walking.  Ben realised that he needed to go to hospital where they did an ultrasound on his leg. The medical team discovered a blood clot.

Since his blood clot was diagnosed, Ben has been on medication and has struggled to walk long distances. He has found it difficult to find specific information on thrombosis and has difficulty walking long distances.