In September 2016, Natalie experienced rib pain and trouble breathing for 24 hours following a surgical operation. She was soon diagnosed with multiple bilateral pulmonary embolism, where multiple blood clots are lodged in either lung. Natalie had had no family history or experience with blood clots prior to the surgery.

“I didn’t realise the seriousness of the condition at the time. It slowly dawned on me and dealing with my emotions was difficult. I often think about it and wonder ‘what if things had turned out differently?’” - Natalie

In the years since, Natalie explained that she was always tired and not able to do the activities that she used to be able to, but that she is almost back to her original fitness. She says that she now has a more positive attitude – she doesn’t ‘sweat the small stuff’, she appreciates what she has, and she makes the most out of her life.

She doesn’t drink any alcohol and focuses on very healthy eating and cooking. Natalie makes the most of like and is truthful to the people around her, if they are important, talented or generous she tells them, just so they know.

“I might not have been able to, so I make sure I don’t miss the opportunity.” – Natalie

Natalie wishes that more people knew about how thrombosis can affect your body, what the risks are for people who develop thrombosis, and the side effects of medications which are used to treat the thrombosis. Her advice to others is to read as much as they can and ask a lot of questions.