News and events Latest news & info What is biobanking? A biobank is a collection of samples from human body organs or blood, including related health information, which plays an important role in enhancing medical research and scientific knowledge. At PBI, our biobanking facility is located at Murdoch University’s Health Futures Institute. Biobanking at PBI PBI collaborates with researchers at Murdoch University and the Western Australian Centre for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (WACTH). Together they established a Biobank for blood samples collected from patients with diagnosed thrombophilia-related disorders, compiling the necessary samples and information to understand blood clotting disorders. Biobanking enables PBI’s researchers to save time and effort required to find participants for a study: donated samples are stored for future use in medical research. Purpose of the biobank The biobank takes a biological snapshot of the participant at the time of collection and uses the samples for future research studies. It provides our researchers with a library full of samples and corresponding medical information all in one place. Studies can therefore be carried out in a timely and efficient manner. Image caption: Researcher stores research samples in an ultra-low temperature freezer for up to 10 years. Ultra-low temperature freezers keep the biological information “fresh" and prevents sample degradation. Current research projects We have established a biobank to collect blood samples from patients with diagnosed thrombophilia, thrombocytopenia, rare clotting, and pregnancy associated clotting. The samples allow us to conduct laboratory research to enhance our understanding of thrombus formation in these disorders. Standard sample storage approval is 10 years, with the possibility to extend the storage period after approval from an ethics committee. Any samples which need to be disposed of are handled according to human tissue disposal regulations, as well as additional cultural practices as required. Donate your blood Research conducted on large numbers of samples are likely to help people who have similar diseases in the future. We are grateful to the team at Oakfield Strata Management, based in West Perth, for donating their blood earlier this year which is set to be used by PBI for two research studies on the effects of estrogen on miscarriage and also thrombosis. If you would like to donate your blood to the biobank, please contact [email protected].