Science on the Swan 2021 - Professor Ross Baker spoke on the topic of ‘WA Research Response to COVID-19’ at the Science on the Swan health and medical research conference held by WAHTN. The conference had a strong focus on the state’s health response to COVID-19. Prof. Baker shared PBI’s findings in relation to COVID-19 and thrombotic events, completed by himself and fellow PBI researchers, Jim Tiao and Grace Gilmore.

THANZ scientific workshop - PBI’s research scientist Grace Gilmore took part in the virtual THANZ (Thrombosis & Haemostasis Society) Scientific Workshop last Saturday, 18 September 2021.

PBI joins the Western Australian Health Translation Network - WAHTN is the State’s peak body for Health and Medical Research and operates as a multi-site, state-wide health translation network.

DARF Dementia Grant - In 2020, PBI was the recipient of the Norma Beaconsfield Project Grant, awarded by the Dementia Australia Research Foundation.

PBI education dinner 2019 - World Haemophilia expert Professor Midori Shima from Japan presented at the PBI education dinner on the 19th October 2019. Professor Shima discussed the impact of new therapies on clot wave analysis and about his involvement in laboratory and clinical research, and specifically about his contribution to the development of the FVIII mimicking bispecific antibody Emicizumab.

2019 THANZ Award - The 2019 THANZ medal was awarded to Omar Elaskalani for his presentation at the Thrombosis & Haemostasis Society of Australia and New Zealand (THANZ) annual scientific meeting.



Mr Omar Elaskalani was awarded the prestigious THANZ Scientific Medal for best abstract at the Annual Scientific Meeting - Blood 2019.


Professor Ross Baker, together with a team of researchers, including The Australian National University (ANU), was awarded a four-year NHMRC Project Grant entitled “Pathobiology that causes fatal thrombosis in HIT” starting in 2018. 

In 2018 Dr. Jim Tiao and Professor Ross Baker, and alumni member Dr. Quintin Hughes, were the recipients of grant funding from the John Lloyd Clinical Excellence Fund, for a project to investigate novel gene therapeutics in the treatment of Haemophilia A.

For our work on Haemophilia A, Dr. Jim Tiao was a recipient of the AHCDO Grant in 2018 for his abstract presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting - Blood 2018.


Researchers have also been successful in winning conference presentation awards.  In 2017, PhD candidate Ms Jiayin Tian received a 2017 runner-up prize in the THANZ Scientific Medal conference session.  Ms Tian also received several travel awards for conference presentations, including THANZ scientific and education trust travel grant, Werfen Travel grant and the Murdoch University graduate research conference travel grant.  In 2017, Mr. Michael Menezes was a recipient of best poster prize – scientific, at the same conference. 

In 2017 Dr. Jim Tiao and Professor Ross Baker, and alumni member Dr. Quintin Hughes, were the recipients of grant funding from the John Lloyd Clinical Excellence Fund, for a project to investigate novel gene therapeutics in the treatment of Haemophilia A.


In 2016 researcher Dr Jasmine Tay (alumni) was awarded the inaugural THANZ Scientific Medal for best abstract at the Annual Scientific Meeting – HAA 2016.

In 2016 Dr. Jim Tiao and Professor Ross Baker, and alumni member Dr. Quintin Hughes, were the recipients of grant funding from the John Lloyd Clinical Excellence Fund, for a project to investigate novel gene therapeutics in the treatment of Haemophilia A.